Are you ready to serve in the LOVEvolution “Prayer Force”?

"Rich is the person who has a praying friend." - Janice Hughes

An invitation by LOVEvolution Minister – Eric McCool

Perhaps you’ve come to understand the power of conscious intentions in shaping your life experience. Some of us call this prayer. 

Shortly after I moved out to the west coast to pursue permaculture and community, the power of prayer was revealed to me in an unexpected way by a spiritual teacher, who was said to have healing abilities.

I was new to the culture of spirituality that I found myself immersed in Ashland, Oregon and curious.

So I went to a retreat, which included an hour long private session with a spiritual teacher named Aldo.  When I walked into the room for my session, his eyes widened as he took me in.  He took off his glasses, looked to one side and let out a long breath.

When next we made eye contact, his look was quizzical.  “You have SO many people praying for you,” he said, as if amazed.

This surprised me, prompting me to consider this.  It was true.  I have always had a lot of people who pray for me.  My grandparents, who were still alive at the time, dutifully prayed for me together, every day.  I grew up in a church, loved by many people who are active in the ministry of prayer.  The loving energy they send me with these prayers was apparently actually visible in my aura.

Prayer is so important.  It binds us together across space and time, and it cannot be stopped by any force.   All forms of prayer are beautiful, but it is especially important that we pray for each other. 

No matter how dark of a place you are in, the prayers of your loved ones will reach you.  Prayer is a mutual support network like mycorrhiza – the symbiotic relationship between tree roots and mycelia.  When one tree is low on water or certain minerals, other trees can send it what it needs, with the fungal root networks acting as courier.

We too can send each other much-needed love and support, and I believe that consistent, intentional prayer is a great way to do this.  That is why LOVEvolution Fellowship is launching a prayer ministry.

If you feel called to pray for others, consider joining our prayer team.  We will take requests from anyone in the community, and we will commit to praying for those who are named. 

We encourage all our members to pray, and our prayer request list will be available to all. But those who join the team will be committed to daily prayer, and to a focused practice of sending loving, healing, supportive energy to those who need it.   

The prayer team will meet once a week (via zoom or in person) to go over request lists and pray together.  We will both pray for specific situations (health, relationships, life struggles) and for people in general.  If our prayer team is successful, every single member of our Fellowship will have someone praying for them every day.

Our first meeting will be Sunday afternoon, February 4th, at the monthly Fellowship Sharing Circle at Sacred Mountain Waters.  Contact Eric McCool if you are interested in joining the team.  If you have prayer request, you can send it to

As we lift one another up in prayer, we will grow closer as a community, and we will be strengthened and encouraged to carry on with our life’s calling, whatever that may be. 


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